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Hello English

how to keep in mind about the rules and regulations of pronounciation

January 31, 2017
Remembering the rules of pronunciation requires regular practice. The conversation game is designed for you to get feedback on frequently used phrases and sentences and the pronunciation game is designed for you to distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciations. In future, you will also be able to get feedback by talking with real teachers on the app, although for a small fee. All the best, Nishant
56 Upvotes 5 Downvotes February 01, 2017
You should practice more and more.....when you communicate more and more its setup in your mind...and also think in english and speak in english
21 Upvotes 4 Downvotes March 22, 2017
start to play more games with correct pronunciation in this beautiful plateform. keep practicing on toung twister for an fluent spoken pronunciation. Thank you.
13 Upvotes 2 Downvotes March 23, 2017
regular practice or God gifted memory can help you
10 Upvotes 4 Downvotes March 22, 2017
first you read the rules and regulations again and again.afterthat keep the rule when you practice.i mean when you reading newspapers and listening conversations by and by. then you can keep in your mind.
6 Upvotes 3 Downvotes March 25, 2017
and loveable too much to me know if there are not able to
7 Upvotes 4 Downvotes March 18, 2017
You should practice the conversation game everyday.
5 Upvotes 3 Downvotes March 24, 2017
You must listen to reccording conversations and stories and practice in the same time, do that many times as possible, eg: when you drive your car .
3 Upvotes 2 Downvotes March 29, 2017
try the conversation game. Though pronunciation varies from person to person,we should pronounce what is most appropriate. Also pronounce the hard words regularly to get the hang of it.
2 Upvotes 1 Downvotes May 04, 2017
A few suggestions here: 1.Learn correct pronunciations of consonants and vowels. Many people don't manage it because of their dialects. 2.Take time to go through rules of liaison(eg. I-am, for-us), incomplete plosion, and intonation patterns, etc. 3.Find proper listening materials with subtitles then listen to and mimic it repeatedly until you feel natural about it. 4.Try to talk to native speakers and get advice from them. This could be very effective. For rules and regulations, we want them for a better pronunciation, and we have to practice with correct knowledge of them to get solid skills. Wish you good luck!
3 Upvotes 2 Downvotes March 27, 2017
how to keep in mind about the rules and regulations of pronounciation
Remembering the rules of pronunciation requires regular practice. The conversation game is designed for you to get feedback on frequently used phrases and sentences and the pronunciation game is designed for you to distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciations. In future, you will also be able to get feedback by talking with real teachers on the app, although for a small fee. All the best, Nishant

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