Hello English
Hello English

Forum FAQ: How to get started?

February 09, 2017
- Ask a question on the forum, no coins are required to ask a question. - To 'like' or 'up vote' an answer, you need 1000 coins. - To 'dislike' or 'down vote' an answer you need 5000 coins. - To report a question/answer as spam, you need 5000 coins. - To start answering the questions, you need 10,000 coins won in the App or should be above lesson 350 in the App.
97 Upvotes 14 Downvotes February 09, 2017
i am very happy with English learning class
51 Upvotes 7 Downvotes March 22, 2017
first update your app . then open the updated app . then go to options that is near the helpline option. then go to forum option. you got the forum .
25 Upvotes 2 Downvotes March 23, 2017
This is a good way to improve our English. Thanks
22 Upvotes 6 Downvotes March 25, 2017
Win 5000coins
24 Upvotes 8 Downvotes March 10, 2017
First of all, today I will talk to you about "Hello English". Well, I like "Hello English". I didn't believe before that the "Hello English" can improve my language skills. So, after using it I felt my English is very good from day to day. Now my English is great after using it. I felt so good. Have great day. Thanks all.
20 Upvotes 5 Downvotes March 31, 2017
With politeness
18 Upvotes 6 Downvotes March 03, 2017
its very veryyyy nice app☺
14 Upvotes 3 Downvotes April 23, 2017
You need 5000 coins
18 Upvotes 8 Downvotes March 10, 2017
meaning of larks ?
16 Upvotes 7 Downvotes March 18, 2017
Forum FAQ: How to get started?
- Ask a question on the forum, no coins are required to ask a question. - To 'like' or 'up vote' an answer, you need 1000 coins. - To 'dislike' or 'down vote' an answer you need 5000 coins. - To report a question/answer as spam, you need 5000 coins. - To start answering the questions, you need 10,000 coins won in the App or should be above lesson 350 in the App.

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