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can we use article before the comman noun

June 29, 2018
it depands on situation. for examples:- Water is very useful to live. the water is dirty. when we use articles before common noun, its meaning changed. water:- water to drink the water :- place where water is stored like ponds, river, well, handpump
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes June 29, 2018
Yes! You can but articles "a/an" can only be used before a singular countable noun. But article "the" can be used before both singular countable noun and plural countable noun.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes June 30, 2018
can we use article before the comman noun
it depands on situation. for examples:- Water is very useful to live. the water is dirty. when we use articles before common noun, its meaning changed. water:- water to drink the water :- place where water is stored like ponds, river, well, handpump

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