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what is knock out?

July 04, 2018
"knock out" means to make someone unconscious, e.g: John hit Paul and nearly knocked him out. It can also mean: defeat a player/ team. That is to say , to make someone leave a competition by defeating them. Eg: England had been knocked out of the World Cup by Croitia. In a fight we use the abbreviated form: "KO", which is rather informal to refer to a KNOCKOUT.
5 Upvotes 2 Downvotes July 19, 2018
It's mean: unconscious...
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what is knock out?
"knock out" means to make someone unconscious, e.g: John hit Paul and nearly knocked him out. It can also mean: defeat a player/ team. That is to say , to make someone leave a competition by defeating them. Eg: England had been knocked out of the World Cup by Croitia. In a fight we use the abbreviated form: "KO", which is rather informal to refer to a KNOCKOUT.

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