Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Hindi lesson 17

why are you

August 09, 2018
Why are you doing this?
9 Upvotes 0 Downvotes August 09, 2018
It will be:- Who are you? Or, Why are you here? * I'm for learning and improving English here.
4 Upvotes 1 Downvotes August 09, 2018
who are you?
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes August 09, 2018
This is not correct question, There are 3 error in your question : 1.Start any sentence with capital letter. 2.Put a '?' at the end of a sentence . Because it is a question. 3.We don't use here 'why'. If we put 'why' here the sentence would be meaningless. So, you should put 'what' here not 'why'. Therefore , the correct question will be: Who are you?
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes August 09, 2018
why are you
Why are you doing this?

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