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Posted On : Hindi lesson 2

how to different see and look

August 10, 2018
See - something that comes into our sight that we aren't looking for. For ex:- Have you seen that boy before? Can you see me from there? Look - when we see something for a reason with an attention. For ex:- Look at that picture, it's really beautiful. People were looking at him.
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes August 11, 2018
0 Upvotes 2 Downvotes August 19, 2018
how to different see and look
See - something that comes into our sight that we aren't looking for. For ex:- Have you seen that boy before? Can you see me from there? Look - when we see something for a reason with an attention. For ex:- Look at that picture, it's really beautiful. People were looking at him.

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