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Posted On : Hindi article 26668

article the quit india movement - gandhi had asked the people to keep the quit india movement as peaceful movement as he was staunch believer of non violence. here why asked used instead of said or told

August 14, 2018
here ( asked) is used in politely way.it's more polite using "to ask" rather than using say,said/tell,told.
11 Upvotes 3 Downvotes August 14, 2018
Because it's been written in indirect speech.
5 Upvotes 0 Downvotes August 14, 2018
Asked indicates here as a leader.
1 Upvotes 1 Downvotes August 14, 2018
article the quit india movement - gandhi had asked the people to keep the quit india movement as peaceful movement as he was staunch believer of non violence. here why asked used instead of said or told
here ( asked) is used in politely way.it's more polite using "to ask" rather than using say,said/tell,told.

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