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Posted On : Hindi lesson 39

I don't understand use of there is and there are

October 05, 2018
There is - when after "there" ,the coming noun is singular or uncountable. For ex:- There is a boy in this class. There is some water in that bottle. There are - when after "there", the coming noun is plural. Ex:- There are three girls in this area. In both situations, "there" is used as a dummy subject which has no mean.It's only used for completing this type of sentence.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes October 06, 2018
I don't understand use of there is and there are
There is - when after "there" ,the coming noun is singular or uncountable. For ex:- There is a boy in this class. There is some water in that bottle. There are - when after "there", the coming noun is plural. Ex:- There are three girls in this area. In both situations, "there" is used as a dummy subject which has no mean.It's only used for completing this type of sentence.

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