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Posted On : Hindi lesson 26

What is right meaning. Color anf colour

October 07, 2018
What is the right word 'color' or 'colour'? Both words color and colour have different spelling but same meaning. Both are correct/right. 'Color' is used in American English and 'colour' is used in British English. Some other words.. ---------------------------------------------------- American British ----------------------------------------------------- Color Colour Honor Honour Favorite Favourite -------------------------------------------------------
8 Upvotes 1 Downvotes October 07, 2018
Colour is British spelling. Color is American spelling.
3 Upvotes 2 Downvotes October 07, 2018
both are correct spelling Colour use in UK Color use in America
3 Upvotes 3 Downvotes October 07, 2018
What is right meaning. Color anf colour
What is the right word 'color' or 'colour'? Both words color and colour have different spelling but same meaning. Both are correct/right. 'Color' is used in American English and 'colour' is used in British English. Some other words.. ---------------------------------------------------- American British ----------------------------------------------------- Color Colour Honor Honour Favorite Favourite -------------------------------------------------------

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