Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Marathi lesson 51

I'm the confused in a, an, the

November 03, 2018
We will use these three articles in three different conditions. E.g. If there is a word which starts from consonant sound like bat,lamp, or boy. Then we'll use a, for example, This is a bat, This is a lamp, or This is a boy. And We'll use an for the word which starts from vowel sound then we'll use an, for example, an orange, an umbrella, and an apple. After that we'll use 'the' with a proper word, for example, The Pakistan, The India, and The Sub-Continent etc.
5 Upvotes 1 Downvotes November 03, 2018
I'm the confused in a, an, the
We will use these three articles in three different conditions. E.g. If there is a word which starts from consonant sound like bat,lamp, or boy. Then we'll use a, for example, This is a bat, This is a lamp, or This is a boy. And We'll use an for the word which starts from vowel sound then we'll use an, for example, an orange, an umbrella, and an apple. After that we'll use 'the' with a proper word, for example, The Pakistan, The India, and The Sub-Continent etc.

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