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Posted On : Hindi lesson 51

what's different between tell or say

December 23, 2018
Basicly both have same meaning. "Tell" it is used when somebody says someone something while on the other hand "Say" it is used when Somebody says something. in simple words "Tell" is used there when speaker says something addressing someone. " Say " in this case speaker says something without addressing anybody.
11 Upvotes 4 Downvotes December 26, 2018
says to=tells said to =told
3 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 24, 2018
what's different between tell or say
Basicly both have same meaning. "Tell" it is used when somebody says someone something while on the other hand "Say" it is used when Somebody says something. in simple words "Tell" is used there when speaker says something addressing someone. " Say " in this case speaker says something without addressing anybody.

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