Hello English
Hello English

The worst person in your ever???

February 11, 2019
Robin Chauhan
A friend of mine...he always try to destroy my image...I really now don't to give any place in my life again.
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes February 11, 2019
The worst person in your life ever...!!! Hahaha... Bye the way I haven't come across such a person whom I think that guy is not good. Actually, everyone have some bad qualities but all have a lot of goodness. Why don't we delete their bad qualities...???
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes February 11, 2019
Hahaha!!!! What a question!!!! No not yet....
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes February 11, 2019
The worst person in your ever???
A friend of mine...he always try to destroy my image...I really now don't to give any place in my life again.

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