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Posted On : Hindi lesson 269

causative kaise pahchane or use Kate

February 27, 2019
Nisha Agrawal
Causative verbs are used to indicate why or how something occurs. In this lesson, we will learn about the causative verbs: let, allow, permit, make, force, require, have, get, and help. exm.. 1. My mom allows me to borrow the car. 2. I let my little sister watch TV in my room. 3.My teacher permits students to stay late for tutoring. u can use and so on............
3 Upvotes 0 Downvotes February 27, 2019
causative kaise pahchane or use Kate
Causative verbs are used to indicate why or how something occurs. In this lesson, we will learn about the causative verbs: let, allow, permit, make, force, require, have, get, and help. exm.. 1. My mom allows me to borrow the car. 2. I let my little sister watch TV in my room. 3.My teacher permits students to stay late for tutoring. u can use and so on............

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