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can we use could and can in one sentence

April 08, 2019
Absolutely. We can combine can and could when speaking about ability, possibility I can speak English and Hindi, but when I was a child I could  speak Punjabi as well. Now we can easily connect with anyone via internet, but in the past we definitely couldn't.
6 Upvotes 2 Downvotes April 08, 2019
Yes , I can use can and could in the same sentence but here "can" means a cylindrical vessel for liquid. Ex..That can is very cheap so I could buy it.
5 Upvotes 3 Downvotes April 08, 2019
yes, we can use.
2 Upvotes 2 Downvotes April 16, 2021
can we use could and can in one sentence
Absolutely. We can combine can and could when speaking about ability, possibility I can speak English and Hindi, but when I was a child I could  speak Punjabi as well. Now we can easily connect with anyone via internet, but in the past we definitely couldn't.

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