Hello English
Hello English

problem, sadness come in life coz it's part of our life , it's depend on us how to we r handling it

May 24, 2019
Yeah.. It's all...
9 Upvotes 2 Downvotes May 24, 2019
absolutely right
8 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 24, 2019
H..M !!!!!!!!!! I agree ! Life is full of ups and downs .Joy, Sadness , Success , failure , broken , shakiness , depression ...this all things/ feelings are part of our life . You know what ?? We are so much powerful ,We can find solutions of all problems . How you deal with problems that's all matter . Be optimistic ! Never give up ...)
8 Upvotes 4 Downvotes May 24, 2019
expectation always hurt. i follow simple rules - whenever i face such situation i fill myself with negative thoughts n call myself looser... but i dnt stop making efforts . if i get my success then it is okay otherwise i m looser n it is my destiny. the concept of my ILLUSION.
12 Upvotes 8 Downvotes May 24, 2019
Yeah.... Exactly right... But sometimes it's totally different...!!!
7 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 24, 2019
problem, sadness come in life coz it's part of our life , it's depend on us how to we r handling it
Yeah.. It's all...

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