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Posted On : Kannada lesson 23

radhika pandith has blue eyes in this sentence why we not use have

July 12, 2019
This sentence is in simple present.in simple present tense we use "has" for 3rd person singular subject and any single name.He,she,it these are 3rd person singular subjects,so we have to use "has". here subject is Radhika pandith it is 3rd person singular subject so we used has.
5 Upvotes 2 Downvotes July 12, 2019
radhika pandith has blue eyes in this sentence why we not use have
This sentence is in simple present.in simple present tense we use "has" for 3rd person singular subject and any single name.He,she,it these are 3rd person singular subjects,so we have to use "has". here subject is Radhika pandith it is 3rd person singular subject so we used has.

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