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Posted On : Hindi article 23985

which are the situations when the types of you're welcome should be said?

August 09, 2019
If anybody says thanks, we can reply as "you're welcome" and we can invite anybody to celebrations, parties, particular places, homes by saying so.
4 Upvotes 3 Downvotes August 09, 2019
I invited you on special day.
2 Upvotes 2 Downvotes September 10, 2019
You can use "you are welcome" in the following situations:- 1. When someone thanks you. 2. When you have invited someone.
0 Upvotes 2 Downvotes August 06, 2021
which are the situations when the types of you're welcome should be said?
If anybody says thanks, we can reply as "you're welcome" and we can invite anybody to celebrations, parties, particular places, homes by saying so.

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