Hello English
Hello English

I would be run faster

October 12, 2019
I would run fast.. I would be running fast I would be running faster than you
7 Upvotes 4 Downvotes October 13, 2019
I would be run faster(by .... anything {Which are suitable for this sentence}) It is in passive voice,.so,i think this sentence is correct..what are you thinking guys?..
6 Upvotes 4 Downvotes October 13, 2019
Your sentence is wrong. It could be either "I would be running faster" or "I would run faster."
6 Upvotes 8 Downvotes October 13, 2019
The correct answer is ...I would be running fast. ......
1 Upvotes 5 Downvotes October 14, 2019
I would be run faster
I would run fast.. I would be running fast I would be running faster than you

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