Hello English
Hello English

I want to speak English

December 13, 2019
Then start communicate in English with others quickly.
9 Upvotes 3 Downvotes December 13, 2019
You can speak English as you are already English speaker.
7 Upvotes 5 Downvotes December 13, 2019
need practice with study in right direction... need hard work in right direction... this app is very nice daily practice lesson.. read some of grammar listen english news atleast 30 minutes read english news paper write any topic in english after doing all these simultaneously start speaking in english ... coz english needs habit.. whatever u r learning u need to use it in ur life then only it will be easy for u.... but problem is we want to learn everything in a short while.. and we don't get instant result we get depressed... so don't think much just start from today .. with in a year u will get wonderful result.
6 Upvotes 5 Downvotes December 14, 2019
I want to speak English
Then start communicate in English with others quickly.

Check out these dictionary words