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Posted On : Hindi lesson 22

what is vision?

January 24, 2020
Dakshta Gusain
ability to see, sight... vitamin A improves our vision
15 Upvotes 7 Downvotes January 25, 2020
Vision in its narrow meaning means the ability to see which the nature has bestowed upon every creature in this world. In the broad concept 'vision' is a vast phenomenon.It tells the future perspective. Vision is your dream which forces you to do efforts which makes all the difference in your life. I would like to quote helen keller whom we all know - "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision". Our vision sets our goals, help us in making road map for our destination, and takes us there. So guys, Have a vision and if possible a broad one.
15 Upvotes 11 Downvotes January 25, 2020
1) The ability to see 2) Our vision is our desire to complete our goals... :D
0 Upvotes 3 Downvotes September 25, 2022
1) The ability to see 2) Our vision is our desire to complete our goals... :D
0 Upvotes 3 Downvotes September 25, 2022
what is vision?
ability to see, sight... vitamin A improves our vision

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