Hello English
Hello English

if 3 + 2 = 7 4 + 5 = 23 5 + 6 = 34 7 + 8 = ?

May 04, 2020
Ankush Khosla
Correct answer is 8'7=56+6=62
13 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 05, 2020
I think, The answer is 61.
6 Upvotes 2 Downvotes May 04, 2020
the answer will be 7*8+5=61
5 Upvotes 1 Downvotes May 04, 2020
if 3 + 2 = 7 4 + 5 = 23 5 + 6 = 34 7 + 8 = ?
Correct answer is 8'7=56+6=62

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