Hello English
Hello English

Good morning everyone Your ideal person and why? What makes you proud about yourself?

May 24, 2020
Mohammad Fayaz
Good afternoon 1) My ideal personalities are those they help others, those who think about other's,and those who live for others. I'm motivated from them.. 2) I'm proud to muslim and I respect others religious also. 3) something have to do for our parents and for me also it makes me proud.
16 Upvotes 6 Downvotes May 24, 2020
My ideal person was my father because he achieved success by working very hard. Now my brother because he is working very hard for his success.. When i see them, I get motivated... And I have my own Ideal..
13 Upvotes 6 Downvotes May 24, 2020
good after nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
6 Upvotes 5 Downvotes July 24, 2020
Good morning everyone Your ideal person and why? What makes you proud about yourself?
Good afternoon 1) My ideal personalities are those they help others, those who think about other's,and those who live for others. I'm motivated from them.. 2) I'm proud to muslim and I respect others religious also. 3) something have to do for our parents and for me also it makes me proud.

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