Hello English
Hello English

Hi guys! what's up ?? Okay ## I have the new !! i have some questions : - If u find a white paper , what would u draw on it to express yr psychological state ? - If u had a choice between luck , money , health & happiness what would u choose ? -

June 08, 2020
Hi! I'm fine what about u? 1. If I interest to draw something I will draw cartoon picture or person. 2. I will choose health first bcoz if we are healthy we live happily.
12 Upvotes 5 Downvotes June 09, 2020
- I will try to draw a black and white picture. - Health - Health is wealth.
8 Upvotes 3 Downvotes June 09, 2020
1.If I had a white paper, I would have folded it and make an aeroplane out of it, blow it and throw it out of my window to let it fly across the lands. I do not believe you can tell the psychological state by just looking a diagram drawn on the paper by someone. suppose I draw a complex circuit on the paper. What will u find out then ?? 2. There is nothing common between these things nor they belong to a common catagory. so you cannot make a selection. It is just like asking "what do you need the most ' ?? Food, water, air, home. Not a question worth answering.
11 Upvotes 6 Downvotes June 09, 2020
Hello! I am fine Thank you! 1) I draw Rainbow! 2) I will choose health.
10 Upvotes 8 Downvotes June 09, 2020
1.I would draw a beautiful landscape to express my peace of mind. 2.Obviously I would choose 'health'. Because health is our wealth. If we are healthy, the rest will automatically come to you except 'luck.'
8 Upvotes 7 Downvotes June 09, 2020
Hi guys! what's up ?? Okay ## I have the new !! i have some questions : - If u find a white paper , what would u draw on it to express yr psychological state ? - If u had a choice between luck , money , health & happiness what would u choose ? -
Hi! I'm fine what about u? 1. If I interest to draw something I will draw cartoon picture or person. 2. I will choose health first bcoz if we are healthy we live happily.

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