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Hello English
Posted On : Telugu lesson 42

my mother buy clothes at the mall or my mother but clothes at a mall? which one is correct?

June 16, 2020
Rajini Sutravey
My mother buys clothes at a mall. will be correct.
10 Upvotes 4 Downvotes June 16, 2020
my mother buys clothes at the mall
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes September 18, 2020
My mother buys clothes at the mall..
2 Upvotes 3 Downvotes June 16, 2020
My mother buys clothes at a mall.
1 Upvotes 4 Downvotes June 16, 2020
my mother buy clothes at the mall or my mother but clothes at a mall? which one is correct?
My mother buys clothes at a mall. will be correct.

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