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Hello English

Give the answer :-) How would you describe the work environment at the company ...

May 21, 2021
The Formal Edit ( Youtuber )
working environment, not work environment..The working environment of our company is co-operative.we respect all our colleagues. we mutually help each other to promote each other's work.There is no feeling of jealousy.we work as a team...our manager is a highly motivated person. He supports us, he motivates us.He maintains a cordial relationship with his workers.
6 Upvotes 4 Downvotes May 21, 2021
Give the answer :-) How would you describe the work environment at the company ...
working environment, not work environment..The working environment of our company is co-operative.we respect all our colleagues. we mutually help each other to promote each other's work.There is no feeling of jealousy.we work as a team...our manager is a highly motivated person. He supports us, he motivates us.He maintains a cordial relationship with his workers.

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