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Posted On : Bengali lesson 166

what is the difference between 'a lot of' and 'a lots of'

May 30, 2021
Smitasha & Arusha Banerjee
Lots of is more informal than a lot of. A lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions: We've got lots of things to do. That's a lot of money.
6 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 30, 2021
what is the difference between 'a lot of' and 'a lots of'
Lots of is more informal than a lot of. A lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions: We've got lots of things to do. That's a lot of money.

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