English to Bengali Dictionary outright


logging has been banned outright
altogether; completely.
the impact killed four horses outright
an outright refusal
open and direct; not concealed.
translation of 'outright'
বরাবর সম্মুখে,
The paying passengers were treated with total disregard and sometimes even 'outright' abuse.
The truth is, disappointments and 'outright' failure mark the real world of publicly financed convention centers, stadiums, and hotels.
That was a downright and 'outright' lie, but did I care?
He would leave it open and hit weak fades or 'outright' slices.
Still, it's depressing to think that 'outright' brutality is now the test.
From 1942 and for the remainder of WWII, Carnival was banned 'outright' .
Millions of pheasants are bred each year specifically for killing, and thousands of them are wounded rather than killed 'outright' .
Both teams have impressed at championship level in recent years and to be fair, both deserve the ultimate accolade of 'outright' champions.
It is a sign of the times for the struggling County Champions that their sole ambition over four days against Somerset was to emerge with a draw rather than a defeat but nothing short of 'outright' victory was what was really required.
These ranged from open derision to 'outright' firings, and even attempts to rescind earned degrees.
Apart from killing animals 'outright' , it's a terrific transport system for tiny feral life forms such as barnacles, worms and polyps, which are invading new habitats.
He came 20th, causing him great disappointment as his objective was no less than 'outright' victory.
Dum-dum bullets, chemical and biological weapons are banned 'outright' on the basis that the military benefits of their use can never be proportionate to the suffering caused.
Nevada can legalize most gambling, and other states can ban it 'outright' .
At best they were footnotes on the contrary theme, at worst 'outright' obfuscation.
The simplest way to bet on the final is to pick the 'outright' winners.
They impale the chickens and leave big holes in the cages, allowing more chickens to fall out on the road to be hit by vehicles, if they are not killed 'outright' by the fall itself.
While our neighbours to the south have banned it 'outright' , we remain cautious if slightly confused.
As such it is an 'outright' rejection of many religious traditions' ultimate aims.
Most importantly, the funds required to spread bet are a small percentage of what would be required to buy these assets 'outright' .
I, and many others, must say that enough is enough, and nothing short of a total 'outright' ban would be acceptable
A matrix can be created that describes traditional group relations, ranging from full cooperation to 'outright' conflict.
Even though no-one ever told me 'outright' , I knew straight away that he had an eating disorder when we met.
But many were alarmingly sincere and 'outright' delusional that their opportunity had come knocking.
I don't think fireworks should be banned 'outright' - done correctly they can make for a fantastic piece of entertainment as the nights draw in at the start of November.
These views can be hard to tell apart: the distinction between radical transformation and 'outright' abolition is not clear-cut.
A 1982 law bans 'outright' any new building work within 100m of the coastline.
Two fell dangerously wounded, and a third was killed 'outright' .
Sometimes writers oversimplify in one story and the simplification gets picked up as 'outright' universal fact.
The majority of 'outright' winners were from the junior category.
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