English to Hindi Dictionary accusation


accusations of bribery
a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
translation of 'accusation'
But along with sin, there came lust, fear, pride, 'accusation' , betrayal, and guilt.
He creeps toward me low to the ground, with a whiny growl of misery and 'accusation' .
The muzzle of the gun just stared Czerell in the face like an unblinking eye of 'accusation' .
There was 'accusation' in her voice, and he felt his heart go heavy at it.
She had looked so cute with her disheveled dark curls and 'accusation' in her gaze as she sat on her rump on the floor.
She took a long breath and regarded me with a look that was rife with 'accusation' .
Suddenly the play turns from a study of adolescent 'accusation' into one about the problems of living with a gay husband.
It is no exaggeration to say the town was being torn apart by suspicion, rumour and 'accusation' during my visit there in November.
We put the US on notice that we expect full proof, that we will not tolerate 'accusation' by innuendo or slur.
A generation later, he is driven to return to the scene, craving discovery and even 'accusation' .
Every question Crosse asked himself left him facing a spear of 'accusation' .
Such practices of 'accusation' and defense have an important place in morality and law.
A blistering run from Greene, and one provoking no 'accusation' of drug cheating, might still save the day.
Museum officials led the cry of 'accusation' , and their stories soon appeared in the media.
The Stegner program was designed to avoid any 'accusation' that a writing degree was a soft option.
Once at the door, the memories halted and the silence accosted her with a tone of 'accusation' .
there was 'accusation' in Brian's voice
there was 'accusation' in Brian's voice
Everyday when she looked out her window she was filled with an intense feeling of 'accusation' .
The blonde with tears running down her cheeks starts crying harder but her blue eyes have a hint of 'accusation' in them.
He has a long history of 'accusation' of unethical acts from suborning perjury to driving under the influence of marijuana.
You could not conceivably get more resentment and 'accusation' than is documented there.
To avoid 'accusations' that he didn't live in the electorate, he rented a place there.
The unit was intended to review the system of public appointments to avoid 'accusations' of political bias.
More than four years on not one iota of evidence in support of the 'accusations' has been provided.
As if to counter the 'accusations' of snootiness, not every selection is wilfully obscure.
Added to this are 'accusations' that he failed to live up to his promise that the elections would be democratic and fair.
After all, 'accusations' of bias usually say more about the accuser than the accused.
Sensitive to 'accusations' of cronyism, he also wanted a non-political appointment.
Is this what was meant by the scurrilous 'accusations' about his expenses?
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