English to Hindi Dictionary coefficient


He extended the applications of the operational method to linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients .
a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g., 4 in 4x y ).
coefficients of elasticity
a multiplier or factor that measures some property.
translation of 'coefficient'
The shading 'coefficient' is the measure of solar heat gain through the window.
the drag 'coefficient'
'coefficient' of elasticity
the drag 'coefficient'
The drag 'coefficient' combines several ballistic properties of typical projectiles.
This measure of a material's elasticity is called its 'coefficient' of restitution.
Hermite had posed the problem of finding the minimal values of quadratic forms in n variables whose 'coefficients' were real.
Where can I get a list of friction 'coefficients' for different materials?
He extended the applications of the operational method to linear ordinary differential equations with variable 'coefficients' .
Montel also investigated the relation between the 'coefficients' of a polynomial and the location of its zeros in the complex plane.
The 'coefficients' on the age variable in the models of organization-environment fit may then approach zero.
The problem was to find the roots by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and taking roots of expressions in the 'coefficients' .
It follows that hydrophobic organic compounds have high adsorption 'coefficients' and high bioaccumulation factors.
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