English to Hindi Dictionary collateral


Because most of its hard assets, such as airplanes, already are pledged as loan collateral , the company has said that it will not seek additional investors at this time.
something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.
A few days later, two powerful Sandhanvalia Sardars, Atar Singh and Ajit Singh, collaterals of the royal contenders for the throne, arrived in Lahore and took over control.
a person having the same descent in a family as another but by a different line.
the collateral meanings of a word
additional but subordinate; secondary.
a collateral descendant of George Washington
descended from the same stock but by a different line.
translation of 'collateral'
Fulton may have been a 'collateral' descendant of the steamboat inventor, but he never bothered to check the genealogical connection.
There are, however, limits on such incidental or 'collateral' damage.
The airline couldn't secure an outside lender because almost all its assets are being used as 'collateral' for existing loans.
Patients with associated PCL injuries were excluded, but those with concomitant meniscal and 'collateral' ligament injuries were allowed to participate.
Without title deeds farmers have had no 'collateral' to secure bank loans, no capital to use to put crops in and cope with inflation at 505 per cent.
Employment discrimination is one of many 'collateral' consequences that individuals with felony convictions face, including many people with non-violent drug offenses.
By the stroke of a government pen and without having invested one single cent, the Larrakia now have a major asset to use as 'collateral' for a bank loan.
Because most of its hard assets, such as airplanes, already are pledged as loan 'collateral' , the company has said that it will not seek additional investors at this time.
Kuroda and Sakamaki reported on 13 patients with ulnar 'collateral' ligament tears and no associated abnormalities.
In such circumstances, the attacking elements will be required to expose themselves to enemy direct fire to engage them without undue 'collateral' damage.
They returned fire and called in air support, which destroyed the building, killing one militant and resulting in ‘up to nine 'collateral' deaths’.
I don't even think we have fully assessed all of the 'collateral' consequences that are going to have to be dealt with.
The repeated valgus stress involved in such overload can cause attenuation or rupture of the ulnar 'collateral' ligament and result in functional medial elbow pain and instability.
The line from him to his eldest son and then to his eldest son represents the main line of kinship, while other lines represent 'collateral' lines.
Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring 'collateral' or restrictive covenants.
Finally, munitions must be able to destroy the target without causing undue 'collateral' damage.
The MCL (medial 'collateral' ligament) controls the knee's movement from side to side.
Unlike middle-class homeowners, poor people usually don't have assets to put up as 'collateral' for loans.
It may accept corporate debt, private bank loans and mortgage securities as 'collateral' for the Fed's direct lending to banks - a way of pushing bankers to lend more generously to business.
Support is legally prescribed and required along descent, ascent, and 'collateral' lines.
The patella and its supporting structures, bilateral joint lines and 'collateral' ligaments are palpated for tenderness, crepitus and localized swelling.
A cultural system that relies on short-term victories of one side over another does not effectively take into account the future of 'collateral' effects and long deferred consequences.
Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the avoidance of 'collateral' damage.
The accuracy of the method of diagnostic imaging of the soft tissue structures around the elbow, particularly the ulnar 'collateral' ligament, continues to raise considerable debate.
Mrs Foden has opened a further line of 'collateral' attack by bringing two sets of proceedings against the Lord Chancellor's Department.
Skyrocketing oil prices made Mexican reserves vastly more valuable than before and provided 'collateral' for international loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
The bursa is located distal to the joint line in close proximity and posterior to the medial 'collateral' ligament.
The freight cars will be pledged as special 'collateral' for the bond issue, Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Nikola Yankov said.
When you sell the property, be sure to have the buyer pledge the property as 'collateral' by signing a Deed of Trust.
The second feature is that this 'collateral' challenge was made in the course of a prosecution.
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