English to Hindi Dictionary deliberate


she deliberated over the menu
engage in long and careful consideration.
a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict
done consciously and intentionally.
translation of 'deliberate'
पर्यालोचन करना,
विमर्श करना,
विचार-विमर्श करना,
विवेचन करना,
विचार करना,
बहस करना,
सलाह लेना,
राय लेना
जान-बूझकर किया हुआ,
पहले से सोचा हुआ,
And those injuries have been inflicted with 'deliberate' and premeditated intent.
It furthermore does not assume that quitting was a conscious and 'deliberate' act as has often been assumed as part of formal cessation programs.
He will be very different - but not from 'deliberate' decision, but because like any assembly of the powerful, those assembled wish to exercise that power for different ends.
he used slow 'deliberate' speech
She was being quite 'deliberate' with her movements, and I wanted to know why.
It was a 'deliberate' decision to challenge myself.
This correspondence and subsequent appropriation may not have been 'deliberate' or completely conscious.
Yeah, but the cuts planned in those services are a 'deliberate' attempt to undermine social provision, not a necessity of economics.
The needs of children and youth of adoption, however, necessitate their application in a 'deliberate' and conscientious manner.
He said there was a 'deliberate' decision not to put the decentralised departments into gateways.
Recruiting teachers has become a careful and 'deliberate' process because the reputation of the institution depends on them.
And over time, we began to realise as it sunk in that it wasn't a mistake, that this was a 'deliberate' decision.
Sources said the jury took two hours to 'deliberate' Small's fate and a probation report would now be prepared to determine the term of his sentence.
We have reason to believe at this point in time with the evidence through the course of the investigation this was premeditated, 'deliberate' , intentional.
Another sort of 'deliberate' attempt to purposely sabotage you?
It was this committee that took the 'deliberate' decision that the coronation of Charles II would be conducted as if the previous ten years had not happened.
it was a 'deliberate' attempt to mislead me
It might have been a very sensible, 'deliberate' decision.
He is very 'deliberate' , very careful, has a wonderful sense of humor.
In part, the continued support for settlements results from 'deliberate' policy decisions.
Everything is very measured, very 'deliberate' , very proper, with a flawless outer sheen concealing what lies just below the surface.
Instead, he straightened his spine and took a few slow, 'deliberate' steps forward.
The camp location was chosen with careful and 'deliberate' thought.
We want to be very, very careful, and I have every confidence in my husband, in his administration, that they will be very careful and very 'deliberate' over this.
That is why the introduction of a national ID card should be careful and 'deliberate' , not something done in excess haste.
Two sets of prints show adults, probably a male and female, walking in tandem at a steady and 'deliberate' pace.
Thus, we must take measured but 'deliberate' steps in our financial war on terrorism.
Their movements like the placement of the candles are measured and 'deliberate' .
At the same time, it has left him open to charges of flip-flopping, and concerns that his 'deliberate' , decision - making style may be a hindrance in the Oval Office.
Father spoke much too casually; Mama's stitching was much too steady and 'deliberate' , almost forced.
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