English to Hindi Dictionary destitute


the charity cares for destitute children
without the basic necessities of life.
translation of 'destitute'
Old age homes are necessary, but essentially for the 'destitute' and the poor.
How does Dr. Singh give 400 million of the poor and the 'destitute' a stake in Indian democracy?
Three days a week, workers visit the areas around the church with breakfasts and lunches for the 'destitute' .
Many of us who were forced out of the country are now scattered all over the world as impoverished and financially 'destitute' refugees.
Only the 'destitute' are provided with any support, and then at the lowest level.
Most people did not quality for a medical card unless they were 'destitute' , unemployed or had a serious illness.
Our government is faced with many challenges and promises to deliver and serve the poor and 'destitute' .
These animals are of huge importance in the lives of 'destitute' people.
Some only lost fathers but were put in orphanages by 'destitute' mothers who had no means to support them after the Gulf War.
Can you do something to increase the grant for the 'destitute' children?
He lived the high life as a London yuppie and threw it all away to work with the poor and 'destitute' in Liverpool slums.
Ethan did not want anyone in Starkfield to think that he was poor and 'destitute' again.
It quickly spread to neighbouring shacks, leaving their already poor occupants 'destitute' .
While we had been a wealthy nation before colonisation, we were left 'destitute' and poor by the end of it.
Society to this day stigmatises blacks as being poor and 'destitute' , as well as criminals.
That money could be spent on the poor and 'destitute' without expecting any reward for it from God.
People living at or below this income level are not simply poor, but 'destitute' .
Karim has been rendering selfless service to the 'destitute' patients at the MCH for the last five years.
This makes them an extremely unattractive economic proposition for even the most 'destitute' ragpicker.
The English aristocracy of the 19th century cared little for the poor and 'destitute' .
These, Denny, are empty and vapid slogans because those who use them are 'destitute of' any imagination or feeling of what such greed, racism or imperialism is like.
According to General Canby, they were on Camas Prairie because ‘their country was almost entirely 'destitute of' game,’ a complaint rendered all the more believable because of its frequency.
She is… utterly 'destitute of' the sense of fear.
Relying on impressions from travel books, Carey concluded that over half ‘of the sons of Adam… are in general poor, barbarous, naked pagans as 'destitute of' civilisation, as they are of true religion.’
The transition from any value system to a new one must pass through that zero point of atomic dissolution, must take its way through a generation, 'destitute of' any connection, with either the old or the new system.
How parliaments make swine and vermin of men, who are 'destitute of' morals and devoid of human attributes, is no more in the realm of magic, neither in that of magic realism.
They are by far the largest group amongst the fifth of India's population who live in extreme poverty and 'destitution' .
In fact the utter 'destitution' of the desperate was not just predicted: it was planned for.
The church historian should not be indifferent to the subject, or ‘so 'destitute of' convictions as to form no moral judgments on the parties and individuals whose history he studies,’ he said.
He thought their clothes ugly, ‘destitute of taste, 'destitute of' grace, repulsive as a shroud’ and preferred aloud the simple, colorful and more natural native garb.
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