English to Hindi Dictionary intermarriage


अंतर्जातीय विवाह
the main reason for the increase in intermarriage is probably greater religious and ethnic tolerance
marriage between people of different races, castes, or religions.
translation of 'intermarriage'
In addition, 'intermarriage' between immigrant males and Mexican American women has encouraged the maintenance of Spanish.
Are you for or against 'intermarriage' between people of different communities?
Firstly, it is said that when my parents met their families were neighbours and related by 'intermarriage' .
Many never learned to speak English at all, and there was little 'intermarriage' with other immigrant groups.
However, contributing to more distinct group of health problems is the growing trend of marriage between close relatives or what Vickie calls 'intermarriage' .
generations of 'intermarriage' between ruling families
There have been centuries of 'intermarriage' between the different groups, so there are no longer any ‘pure’ ethnic groups in China.
There are no ethnic or religious restrictions, and 'intermarriage' in Thailand is quite common, especially between Thai and Chinese, and Thai and Westerners.
The blending and 'intermarriage' of races for over 500 years has made Bolivia a heterogeneous society.
This option reflects changes in the nation's diversity as a result of immigration and 'intermarriage' among different racial groups.
'intermarriage' between Scots and English borderers was officially forbidden
the main reason for the increase in 'intermarriage' is probably greater religious and ethnic tolerance
There was little if any 'intermarriage' and little intermating between the two groups.
There has been a good deal of 'intermarriage' , especially among Sunni Muslims with different ethnic backgrounds.
Ethnic 'intermarriage' became fairly common in Soviet times, and most people have at least one ancestor of a different nationality.
There was an era, within the memory of many people reading these words, when 'intermarriage' between races was illegal in many states.
The 'intermarriages' between the Hui and Han were further reinforced by the imperial edict in the Ming Dynasty.
This was evidenced in their culture, language and 'intermarriages' that were so common within the area.
These networks were further cemented by 'intermarriages' and mutual help alliances.
The demography of the Jewish community is changing - the percentage of 'intermarriages' is going up.
That has led to 'intermarriages' , thereby making it difficult to identify who is a Zambian and who is not.
None of the 'intermarriages' that took place in the early restoration could have occurred if the priests were firmly in control.
Forced conversions have been reported, as well as forced divorces in Muslim-Christian 'intermarriages' .
By 1900, 'intermarriages' with other nationalities were more common, most of them occurring with Germans, but also with Austrians, Hungarians, and Poles.
It's not the 'intermarriages' per se that cause defects.
More than two-thirds of Cape Verdean population ancestry is Creole, descended from the 'intermarriages' between the Portuguese settlers and black Africans.
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