English to Hindi Dictionary measles


Higher temperatures will mean increased incidences of vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue and measles .
an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin, typically occurring in childhood.
translation of 'measles'
शीतला रोग,
Because of vaccine shortages, such diseases as whooping cough, 'measles' , mumps, and even polio (which had been all but eradicated) have also increased.
She had her rubella vaccination when she was fourteen, but when she was sixteen, she still caught the 'measles' .
women queue to have their children immunized against 'measles'
The serum was also used in vaccines against 'measles' , mumps, rubella, diphtheria and whooping cough until as late as 1993.
These include 'measles' and some foodborne infections.
he has 'measles'
But the youngest died of 'measles' at a very young age.
I heard today that some of the men have come down with the 'measles' and some have died from it.
In Africa, however, 'measles' is still killing children.
a severe case of the 'measles'
Anne tells Kitty that she is worried about Daddy, who has a fever and a rash, which looks like 'measles' .
Native Americans used the leathery leaves in a healing tea for 'measles' .
Children often died of 'measles' or diphtheria in the late 1800s.
The immunization level for specific diseases such as polio and 'measles' now surpasses 90 percent.
Sven Wilson finds that soldiers who became ill with 'measles' or respiratory illness while serving were likely to suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in their old age.
Higher temperatures will mean increased incidences of vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue and 'measles' .
she got 'measles'
I'm filling in for my cousin who has the 'measles' .
Johnny would probably get pneumonia, or a childhood disease such as whooping cough or 'measles' , and die.
Thousands of the Aztecs died from ordinary diseases - 'measles' and the flu.
Maybe I should come down with a case of the 'measles' before Friday.
As a virulent strain of the 'measles' spreads among the students, the town doctor puts Plumfield under quarantine.
But here you are and here I am, and you've got the 'measles' .
The fact that we didn't see an outbreak of epidemics and disease like cholera or 'measles' was partly due to the fact that people gave funds quickly.
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