English to Hindi Dictionary meteoric


meteoric iron
of or relating to meteors or meteorites.
These bones may have been reworked from previous depositional settings in contact with meteoric ground waters.
relating to or denoting water derived from the atmosphere by precipitation or condensation.
translation of 'meteoric'
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In mitigation his lawyer told of the 35-year-old's 'meteoric' rise from a supermarket worker to a multi-millionaire restaurant owner.
The rise of an automobile culture in the West, and its 'meteoric' boom after World War II, eventually led to self-guided driving tours along nineteen miles of road in 1966.
The show was a 'meteoric' success, becoming the most popular show on the network, and before long was made into a moderately successful film and helped set up two spin off shows.
But with their 'meteoric' rise to fame, we'd better get used to being this week's Williamsburg, despite the rumour that they've already moved to New York.
Doyle, 49, had a 'meteoric' rise in the film industry.
It's been somewhat of a 'meteoric' rise for the Irish band, who are now based in Los Angeles with their studio just a 20-minute walk from Hollywood Boulevard.
Once magmas erupt or cool beneath the surface, they are subjected to weathering and interaction with descending 'meteoric' waters.
What isn't so typical, though, is the 'meteoric' rise and subsequent slow decline of a man much imitated, never duplicated and unrivaled at his instrument.
Heavy metal is siderion, something made of 'meteoric' iron.
Provincial sources said yesterday that Northern Province had achieved another 'meteoric' improvement in results, from 51,4 percent last year to close to 60 percent this year.
The optical component market has few scale efficiencies and this could limit the growth and profitability of the sector particularly as the industry is growing at 'meteoric' rates to satisfy demand due to increased network traffic.
Before the 'meteoric' spread of Islam outwards from the Arabian peninsula towards the end of the seventh century many of the tribes of North Africa had been converted to Judaism or Christianity.
In general, the Earth encounters richer 'meteoric' activity during the second half of the year.
These bones may have been reworked from previous depositional settings in contact with 'meteoric' ground waters.
This quarter's results were the first set which showed some material revenue booking from wireless markets and this market is expected to continue growing at 'meteoric' rates.
The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of 'meteoric' and pore waters through the basin.
His 'meteoric' rise did encounter a few setbacks and some bad investment decisions, but he has managed to bounce back with his latest creation in the soft toy line: a stuffed deer.
In the 1980s, a series of Rottweiler attacks squelched that breed's popularity, after what had been a 'meteoric' rise.
It began, inauspiciously, as a summer league team, but its dizzying ascent to prominence since then has been nothing short of 'meteoric' .
It is thus apparent that the upper oolitic shoals were temporarily subaerially exposed, receiving 'meteoric' water and probably allowing the formation of a lens of fresh water in the subsurface.
These low 880 values represent precipitation from 'meteoric' waters depleted in 180, or elevated temperatures during formation in burial settings.
America's working neophytes' unrestrained optimism stems from having come of age in a flush economy and a tight labor market, with lots of highly visible examples of 'meteoric' corporate career arcs.
His 'meteoric' rise through the ranks was capped with the U.S. Senate's unanimous confirmation of his nomination as Secretary of State.
The explosion of a small artificial moon in low orbit sends a 'meteoric' rain onto the Ewok sanctuary, on a scale unmatched since Endor formed.
At this early point in the history of the Solar System, 'meteoric' bombardment was intense, and it would have continually opened new holes in the crust, immediately filled by magma.
Until Napoleon's luck changed and his health declined, his 'meteoric' rush to empire building can be charted in the chairs that could be found in his various residences and portraits.
Many bodybuilders today have short 'meteoric' careers.
In this competition she won the highly coveted Rosenblatt Recital prize and since then her career has enjoyed what can only be described as a 'meteoric' rise.
The reasons for the formation of these types of clouds is still something of a mystery, but has been suggested that the nuclei that helps them to form is actually 'meteoric' dust.
This dramatised resumé of Wilde's life and loves, his 'meteoric' rise and catastrophic fall, is cleverly conceived and, in the main, well executed.
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