English to Hindi Dictionary stampede


the nearby sheep stampeded as if they sensed impending danger
(of horses, cattle, or other animals) rush wildly in a sudden mass panic.
What sounded like a stampede of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep.
a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals.
translation of 'stampede'
पशुओं की आकस्मिक भगदड़,
हलचल का पलायन
The final bell rang and everyone rushed out the door like a wild 'stampede' of animals.
the herd was fleeing back to the high land in a wild 'stampede'
a 'stampede' of bargain hunters
a 'stampede' of bargain hunters
A section of fencing was broken down and advertising hoardings flattened in the 'stampede' as rival fans charged from end to end of the pitch.
Their release created a 'stampede' of users to Windows Update, resulting in slow response times yesterday.
What normally seemed like a soft tiptoe, was now a 'stampede' of horses.
Teri Hatcher has reportedly been caught up in a terrifying elephant 'stampede' .
Property developers are rushing to release high-end flats in the wake of the 'stampede' for units at Henderson Land Development's Grand Promenade project.
Without warning, there was a sudden 'stampede' running full pelt up from the disaster site, men and women in fatigues, burly construction workers, firemen in bunker gear.
This cheap cartoon series has caused a knee-high gold rush, as children 'stampede' to spend their monthly allowance (once known as pocket money) on the cult.
Back at the Cafe Kronborg as the crowd built up, the smells of the food put an edge to the appetite, until the normal food rush became a 'stampede' .
What sounded like a 'stampede' of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep.
Out of nowhere, a 'stampede' of dogs came rushing forth, knocking me over and to the ground.
At the end of the three-week shoot, the entire village was to be destroyed in a cattle 'stampede' and explosion.
Crowds of shoppers 'stampede' their supermarkets.
A pensioner was badly injured on Tuesday after being caught in a horse 'stampede' at a Norwegian beauty spot.
This year, over-exuberant noise caused the animals to 'stampede' , and several onlookers were seriously injured, including Nobatule's husband.
The way film-makers have grappled with that challenge - first avoiding it, then rushing at it in a collective 'stampede' - is not just a story about the evolution of the cinema.
Brands took to the mountains, bike trails, ski slopes and other destinations in a 'stampede' of marketers trying to flee the clutter of the mass market.
don't let them 'stampede' us into anything
Flames quickly surrounded hundreds of revellers packed inside the tiny dance club, triggering a 'stampede' to escape, fire officials said.
A couple have told how they are lucky to be alive after a horse pulling their carriage ran amok and started a 'stampede' during a holiday pleasure trip.
I think the correct description is that a lot of the financial analysts are essentially herd animals, and they follow the 'stampede' in whichever direction it's going.
Soon, adult voices began calling out to each other, and the girls backed against the wall of the candy shop to avoid a sudden 'stampede' .
One of the horses bolted - possibly because it had been bitten or stung by an insect - and caused the rest of the animals to 'stampede' .
He then saw a 'stampede' of wild cattle, set loose from the docks in the pandemonium, and began shooting at them - but was unable to kill them all before a man was gored to death.
When Elizabeth saw Will, she could not contain herself and the question burst from her lips like a 'stampede' of wild horses, ‘who was it from, Will?’
In a climate of fad diets and food fears, the soy market has thrived on the 'stampede' away from animal foods - in this case, real milk and real meat.
A farmer has slammed joyriders who chased his cattle into a 'stampede' , driving one to its death.
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