English to Hindi Dictionary supposedly


माना जाता है कि
the ads are aimed at women, supposedly because they do the shopping
according to what is generally assumed or believed (often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of the statement).
translation of 'supposedly'
कल्पना से
अनुमान करते हुए
Should a 'supposedly' neutral information source be making such editorial judgments?
Even areas that are 'supposedly' protected are absurdly abused, the dossier alleges.
This is 'supposedly' all in the name of improved efficiency and reduced costs.
What's worse is when these people are 'supposedly' your elders and betters and making such a public show of it.
Even the policemen who arrived there 'supposedly' on the call of duty turned a blind eye.
Believe it or not, these 'supposedly' silly methods can make all the difference.
That one arm of a 'supposedly' free press would do this to another is irony indeed.
The result on screen is a form of animation but 'supposedly' with realistic movements and emotions.
Last night's attack came in the form of a message 'supposedly' from one of her friends.
Anyway, all of the 'supposedly' positive aspects of autumn are dragged up by us as September kicks in.
The rudiments of a police force now exist, 'supposedly' being trained by Germans.
the ads are aimed at women, 'supposedly' because they do the shopping
It's the Americans who want the end of February to be the final of a series of 'supposedly' final deadlines.
the adverts are aimed at women, 'supposedly' because they do the shopping
Time and again, the club have been 'supposedly' on the brink of selling off their antiquated ground.
Prehistoric art shows magical rites which 'supposedly' ensured successful hunting.
Worst of all, a company with 'supposedly' growing sales was actually slipping backwards.
Traffic numbers have 'supposedly' been monitored, but does anyone really know what it is like?
The first indication it had 'supposedly' happened was a look of frozen horror as he took his first bite.
As with so many sports, the dawn of a new century brought nostalgia for a 'supposedly' vanished golden age.
It's 'supposedly' a true story from a young boy who managed to escape the slums by becoming a photographer.
For an economy that has 'supposedly' abolished boom and bust, those are pretty big moves and of the bust type.
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