English to Hindi Dictionary suppress


the uprising was savagely suppressed
forcibly put an end to.
translation of 'suppress'
अवरोध करना,
शमन करना,
अंत करना,
दमन करना,
This book is here to try and help you figure out ways to 'suppress' the feelings of depression following someone's death.
Your drug regimen will include immunosuppressants - drugs that 'suppress' the activity of your immune system.
Until last month, the federal statistics department, responding to pressure from Inuit organizations, took unusual steps to 'suppress' their own information.
Currently, people with severe uveitis must take steroids or other drugs that 'suppress' the immune system to control the inflammation.
By using drugs to 'suppress' the function of the ovaries, researchers think the ovaries could be temporarily shut down during cancer treatment.
This is a particular concern because you are on immunosuppressant drugs, which 'suppress' your immune system's ability to fight normal infections.
The networks could fight the politicians on First Amendment principles, arguing that it's insane to 'suppress' newsworthy information.
People who suffer emotional distress can turn to food to 'suppress' their feelings, only exacerbating the problem.
Instead they are letting these kinds of groups become popular and then trying to 'suppress' them by stamping on democracy and freedom of speech.
Chemotherapy treatments 'suppress' the making of various blood cells.
she could not 'suppress' a rising panic
Dani bit her lip, trying to 'suppress' her feelings of desire.
It seemed that everyone had either fled or already hurried down to the lower levels to 'suppress' the uprising.
I'm a very ordinary human and can't 'suppress' my feelings of love however hard I try.
If the arrest is dependent upon recombination, then preventing recombination should 'suppress' the meiotic progression defect.
Their research is bringing to light a potentially new class of genes that can 'suppress' the growth of tumors.
In contrast, PKC inhibition did not 'suppress' the growth of normal mast cells.
Some medications can 'suppress' allergic reactions so that the skin testing can't be performed.
During the first, some were asked to express feelings of anger and others were asked to 'suppress' those feelings.
She continues to 'suppress' information about the first trial to this day.
He couldn't 'suppress' a shudder and curled up like a cat on the floor.
In that way they hoped to 'suppress' what they thought were his poisonous ideas.
You've ceased to try to deal with the issues, and moved into attempts to 'suppress' information to prevent others from even being exposed to the issues.
This includes people with cancer, with organ transplants, or undergoing radiation therapy or treatment with drugs that 'suppress' the immune system.
Of course, they look for information that they want to hear and they try to disprove or 'suppress' information they don't want to hear.
They also created a secret police force that was used to break strikes, arrest workers and 'suppress' working class freedom and democracy.
To 'suppress' the effects of iron and manganese, 5 ml of triethanolamine were added.
Instead of promoting justice in the case, his reaction, along with a group of newspaper editors, has been to 'suppress' information about the case.
she could not 'suppress' a rising panic
They've also managed to 'suppress' information about much of their activities.
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