English to Kannada Dictionary incredulous


an incredulous gasp
(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
The doctor looked at the medication I'd been given and shook his head with a slightly 'incredulous' look.
After a few moments of 'incredulous' silence, he looked back at the book.
The 'incredulous' reactions they got from riders were the same as well.
We were 'incredulous' that such deep divisions were apparent in a profession that should be working together.
Astonishingly Gupta remains silent, acknowledges neither the shouting driver nor my 'incredulous' stare.
Not for the first time on this unique voyage I felt 'incredulous' that I was actually here.
Although 'incredulous' about Ray at first, she is now a total believer.
The essence of the audience's rising ire was bluntly summarised in an 'incredulous' question from the floor.
Staring blearily in the mirror on Sunday morning, I caught an 'incredulous' glimpse of them.
Each time these arguments against have been countered with rational retort only for the excuse to be replaced by an 'incredulous' one.
They've been dealing with 'incredulous' questions from the press and public ever since.
The passengers were 'incredulous' when an announcement was made that free tea or coffee was available for them.
Allie shot him an 'incredulous' look like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
If the thought happened to cross his mind, he would be 'incredulous' : Ask Mrs Wood for the rent?
We enjoyed an excellent meal in a booth in an ersatz log cabin, then retired, dizzy and 'incredulous' that we'd made it this far.
Pin is 'incredulous' that rolling over loans that had been on the books for years could turn into a criminal activity.
Journalists were even more 'incredulous' when the fishermen said it was a good deal and they were happy about it.
The decision was greeted with 'incredulous' howls from the gallery, with the eyes of some parents welling up with emotion.
Like countless others, I am aghast and 'incredulous' at the fact that the postal service to my house has all but collapsed.
On relaying this story some five hours later to my wife who is from Thailand, she was 'incredulous' .
Shepherded up to the first floor, they arrived at the tall doors and stepped into the great sky-lit room to gaze 'incredulously' around.
I'm telling you, I'm an exquisite shopper and your 'incredulousness' says more about you than it does about me.
Whenever I mention my situation there is usually a mixture of intense interest, sympathy, and 'incredulousness' .
Benny was giving me his look of feigned 'incredulousness' .
He looked at me 'incredulously' and asked me how could I expect him to do that when I had dumped him.
Sara stared at me 'incredulously' for a second before shaking her head disbelievingly.
The skinheads looked at him 'incredulously' , and not without a degree of sympathy.
Her eyes narrowed at the 'incredulousness' in his voice.
I position myself where I think the third carriage will stop but notice, 'incredulously' , that my adversary does the same thing.
She told me, much to my 'incredulousness' , that she hasn't had a proper Maths teacher during the whole of her secondary schooling.
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