English to Malayalam Dictionary clash


protesters demanding self-rule clashed with police
meet and come into violent conflict.
suits in clashing colors
(of colors) appear discordant or ugly when placed close to each other.
there have been minor clashes with security forces
a violent confrontation.
a clash of tweeds and a striped shirt
a mismatch of colors.
translation of 'clash'
We were no longer supposed to argue, 'clash' , conflict, debate, dispute, oppose, or protest.
The 'clash' of dates, meanwhile, is unfortunate, though it hardly constitutes a disaster.
Note down how some people 'clash' colours, while others are able to mix complementary tones that suit their overall look.
The man was unprepared for the assault and the pistol flew out of his hand, striking the wall in a 'clash' of metal against stone.
She heard the 'clash' of metal and quickened her pace down the trail.
A staff hit her sword with the resounding 'clash' of wood against metal.
So it may have been a matter of a personality 'clash' .
The company, however, put the conflict down to a personality 'clash' between the parties.
I do not think that it is grandiose to say that what we are seeing unfolding before our eyes is nothing less than the 'clash' of two very different civilizations.
Besides, the colours 'clash' with my living room.
Designs that use too many colors, colors that 'clash' , or a messy layout, are just plain hard to look at.
He puts it down to a simple 'clash' of personalities.
Their blades 'clash' again, though both are little less energetic than before.
But at some point, won't all those egos 'clash' ?
Shouts came from nearby and the 'clash' of metal was evident.
Without another thought, they spurred their horses forward as shouts erupted in the air and there was the 'clash' of metal against metal.
At this drab time of year, the annual Jorvik Viking Festival bursts in with a blast on a horn and a colourful 'clash' of swords.
And when the tour was confirmed, the 'clash' of dates with the SAF Games became inevitable.
we play our home games when they do not 'clash' with those of Liverpool or Everton
I could colour it orange instead, but it would 'clash' , and I think I would rather go to bed.
In France people need permission to paint buildings a particular colour in an effort to avoid a 'clash' of colour in a street.
The 'clash' of metal echoed throughout the castle.
An ominous 'clash' of thunder sounded in the near distance.
The same 'clash' of dates has prevented a return visit again this year.
a 'clash' of tweeds and a striped shirt
‘There was a 'clash' of personalities and things took a turn for the worse,’ he said.
I would have replied, but I could hear the first 'clash' of metal, and screams from the great hall.
the Euro 2000 'clash' between England and Germany
The 'clash' of dates had caused speculation as to whether the Prime Minister would go to Rome for the pope's funeral or stay at home and attend the royal wedding in Windsor as planned.
a 'clash' of cymbals
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