English to Malayalam Dictionary volatile


Methyl acetate had the highest mean peak height of the selected volatiles , followed by acetic acid and then acetaldehyde.
a volatile substance.
Other substances used in volatile substance abuse are solvents, which comprise one of the other areas the Minister wants examined.
(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
the political situation was becoming more volatile
liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
Prices on last minute airfare can be highly 'volatile' so try to book in advance.
In this view, the danger is so unpredictable and 'volatile' that we must act immediately rather than waiting to act only as a last resort.
Inhalant abuse is defined as the intentional inhalation of a 'volatile' substance in order to achieve euphoria.
The first water would have contained the more 'volatile' substances, which would have evaporated first; the second water contained the ones more difficult to vaporise.
As ordinary life becomes more 'volatile' , insecure and unpredictable in various ways, people search for security in whatever ways they can muster.
This is not an unheard-of phenomenon, by the way, with certain 'volatile' personalities who work together.
In fact, all 'volatile' substances are potentially narcotics.
Some patients can benefit from other techniques, including topical capsaicin and topical application of aspirin suspended in a 'volatile' substance such as acetone.
Born in 1626 in Smyrna, Turkey, he was by all accounts a brilliant, charismatic if emotionally 'volatile' man.
A well-planned strategy will help the network grow, whereas a brash evaluation could stunt an economy that has so far advanced at a fast but 'volatile' rate.
Nevertheless, the upside from oil prices is offset by their future unpredictability, with the 'volatile' movements of this one global commodity determining how earnings may change.
But this club, which has a strong lineup, improved rotation and deeper bullpen, is full of sometimes 'volatile' personalities.
For substances with lower boiling points than water, heating can be used to drive off the more 'volatile' substance, which can then be collected by condensing it.
Other substances used in 'volatile' substance abuse are solvents, which comprise one of the other areas the Minister wants examined.
Her well-documented problems with her 'volatile' father may be in the past, and she took time to thank him in her acceptance speech, but he is stilled banned from attending her matches.
A market with large swings in price is generally considered highly 'volatile' and, hence, unpredictable.
Ironically, the alarming discovery of the glue bags comes just a few months after a major campaign in Bradford schools to warn against the dangers of 'volatile' substance abuse.
The challenging nature of this scenario reflects the unpredictable and 'volatile' world we live in, as well as the nature of our job.
I had some very 'volatile' neighbors who liked to fight late, late at night.
The problem was signalling this shift in emphasis to 'volatile' markets without setting off a panic-inducing crash in the currency markets.
She said she could no longer cope with her 'volatile' husband who was bringing his obsessive drive for golfing perfection home.
Cooperatives will need the ability to handle surprises, because the economy and world events will remain 'volatile' and unpredictable for a long time to come.
Even small amounts of gasoline or other 'volatile' fuels or solvents mixed with kerosene can substantially increase the risk of a fire or an explosion.
The family moved often, following the schooling and whims of his 'volatile' father, a doctor.
A national charity warned today that deaths from sniffing 'volatile' substances in the region shot up from five to ten over a year.
Anyone in a tracker fund now has their wealth concentrated in a much narrower range of shares, many of which are likely to be highly 'volatile' .
But the practice of inhaling fumes from 'volatile' substances is not generally associated with affluence and success.
With his low-key approach to the part, he manages to submerge his highly visible, 'volatile' personality.
She looked up at him in fear, but didn't pull her hand away, knowing it would only make things worse in this already extremely 'volatile' man.
He said he wanted to support the fund, especially their vital work in schools raising awareness about 'volatile' substance abuse.
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