English to Marathi Dictionary uncomplaining


she was uncomplaining, accepting of her lot
not complaining; resigned.
The real man was solid, dependable, loyal, 'uncomplaining' , quick to act and slow to forgive.
They are a tough, resilient and 'uncomplaining' people (as I saw first hand in the casualty areas in 1974).
From the 1950s to the 1970s, robots carried a heavy weight of themes - humanity, identity, labour, slavery - on 'uncomplaining' metal shoulders.
This simple statement does little to describe the lifestyle he would have endured under such circumstances, and his response matches his understated, 'uncomplaining' attitude.
Many years ago, however, he was seized with locomotor ataxy, and for a long time before his death he was a painfully prominent figure on Bolton streets, bearing his life's burden with 'uncomplaining' resignation.
But that might be less upsetting to witness than the scene here in Addis, where 'uncomplaining' Ethiopians submit humbly to the bitter caprice of clinical selection.
Based on my unscientific poll, the Japanese were by far the best tourists: polite, 'uncomplaining' , and great tippers.
It's probably got something to do with the fact that, as a nation, we are absurdly acquiescent and 'uncomplaining' consumers.
Although I had been irritated with her on many occasions, I admired her drive and her 'uncomplaining' coolness in the face of the dangers we'd encountered.
When you see the lives people lead - they are so poor yet so 'uncomplaining' , but they welcomed me into their homes and were so generous.
He says it all comes down to the allure of the dollar, and now much more money businesses can make if they secure themselves a cheap and 'uncomplaining' workforce.
Or was the examination performed on an 'uncomplaining' conscious patient, who felt that they did not have the right to question why this nasty thing had to be done again and again?
It's an 'uncomplaining' attitude to life common to poor societies and one that came back to me last week as the harrowing scenes from the Pakistani earthquake unfolded on our TV screens.
They don't care if their action costs money because they think money comes out of a bottomless pit which is kept replenished by a breed of 'uncomplaining' drones known as taxpayers.
Deirdre, who is also the 'uncomplaining' driver, is understandably proud of Emily's achievement and commitment.
Yet family-man Staunton remains pragmatic, philosophical and 'uncomplaining' about the now all-the-year-round demands of top football.
Ordinary, decent, fine and 'uncomplaining' people are being daily ignored and morally undermined and beaten by a society that is concerned, in the main, with material things.
When Bland was swindled by a partner in a brush factory which he had bought, his long-suffering, 'uncomplaining' , heroine of a wife had to support the family by her writing.
And of course the sky's the limit if you prioritise, go for it, ignore those who beaver away, put in the hours, take few holidays, limp home injured but 'uncomplaining' .
I see this latest quarrel as a class struggle, with me representing the diligent, 'uncomplaining' service industry and Aoife as the self-involved corporate accountant.
They 'uncomplainingly' accommodate the way my unpredictable life impacts on their safety procedures and have got to know me, my husband, Nina's childminder and various other members of my extended kin group in the process.
By contrast, many artists, especially the ‘free groups’ feed themselves 'uncomplainingly' on the bread of mercy and have gotten accustomed to dancing on shaky stages.
Which is why the neighbours and I have put up, 'uncomplainingly' , with the erection at the end of the road of a gigantic and hideous silver pole with a CCTV camera on top of it.
We are accustomed to governments not doing what we elect them to do, so we carry on 'uncomplainingly' (or complainingly in my case) without demanding answers from our elected representative.
The Stoic philosophy calls upon man (a term which, as the old joke has it, embraces woman) to live in line with nature's laws, and to accept 'uncomplainingly' whatever fate may send him.
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