English to Punjabi Dictionary companion


he is companioned by a pageboy
his traveling companion
a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.
a companion volume
one of a pair of things intended to complement or match each other.
Aside from its value as a 'companion' to the various Wu-Tang projects, The Wu-Tang Manual drives home the surreal nature of the entire phenomenon.
The game was initiated as a 'companion' to the proposed second film.
Results of a parallel mapping effort in the macronucleus, and the correspondence between the two genomes, can be found in this issue as a 'companion' to this article.
More feet scampered up the 'companion' as his crew belowdecks realized something was happening.
You have to 'companion' it with minimum-wage increases, because otherwise firms will grab it all by pushing down wages.
Louis, cold fish to her dying breath, allowed himself only private tears and no public expression of regret for his 'companion' and erstwhile lover.
That's a 'companion' to the CBS special of the same title.
Adam turned to see Ted, Wilson's friend and ever-present 'companion' in trouble.
his traveling 'companion'
As a 'companion' to the movie, it certainly serves its purpose.
The room was illumined from the light in the 'companion' , and the dim lantern hung from the deck beam.
She's gotten herself a girl from the village as a live-in 'companion' .
she brought along her 'companion', whose drab attire set off her employer's brilliance
Intelligent and funny and everything I want in a 'companion' , but she haunts me.
fear became my constant 'companion'
I recommend this little volume to lay and ordained people alike as a 'companion' to daily prayer and as a source for inspiration - and quotations!
For that reason alone, it is probably wise to take along a Thai 'companion' , just to help with ordering, though I am sure it would be possible to stumble through without.
his travelling 'companion'
I think that I would be the perfect 'companion' for a guy.
It is safe to assume that the stories were written over much the same time period as the novel; they are now published as a 'companion' to the paperback version of The Fortress Of Solitude.
It is a 'companion' to other recent legislation, which deals with New Zealand forces who are going overseas, which in this case is the flip side of visiting forces coming into this country.
The image includes a 'companion' galaxy, seen at the end of one spiral arm.
The theory postulates that every 26 to 30 million years, life on Earth is severely jeopardized by the arrival of a small 'companion' star to the sun.
Any known medical condition or information regarding your health should be made known to your travel 'companion' .
These details support the theory that the two stars are close enough for accretion to take place and that the 'companion' star is being cannibalised.
Nissan's key car was the Tone, targeted at the small MPV market and a 'companion' to the Renault Modus.
I was supposed to have been married to my long time girlfriend, 'companion' , lover and best friend of many years this past fall.
It is very well suited as a 'companion' to a complete general textbook, especially the Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease because of the page references.
A book like the Cambridge 'companion' to Beethoven, whose positive qualities will guarantee it a place on the reference shelf, deserves better.
Steve and his live-in 'companion'
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