English to Tamil Dictionary normal


a town in central Illinois, home to Illinois State University (originally a normal , or teachers, school); population 52,056 (est. 2008).
it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food
conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
Unless the radar signal is normal to some surface (extremely low probability) the radar receives no return.
(of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
translation of 'normal '
He stopped going to work, he stopped pulling himself together to face the week like a 'normal' person.
It is becoming alarmingly 'normal' for this newspaper to counsel crime, spread hate, and threaten lives.
As much as 1.3 km of sediment were eroded on the footwall blocks of 'normal' faults at that time.
Things have reverted pretty much back to normal, or whatever 'normal' means when Lindsey and I are involved.
The river was two feet above 'normal' and the colour of medium dark vinegar.
An infusion of IV 'normal' saline frequently corrects hypotension and increases cardiac output.
In addition, large-scale isoclinal folds and 'normal' faults with throws exceeding 10m locally occur.
This is not what goes through the minds of 'normal' people.
In physics, the critical angle is described with respect to the 'normal' line.
Both tensile and compression testing are based on the application of forces 'normal' to the plane on which they act.
Here, even though we've had more rain than is 'normal' for a wet April, and some fields lay sodden and squelching, we seem to have escaped lightly.
Four days of planned engineering work will take place over the weekend, and services should return to 'normal' on August 2.
I can never go out with a girl like a 'normal' guy does because I'm too serious.
Monomaniacs have trouble sounding like 'normal' people since they only know how to say a few things over and over.
As time goes by, life will edge back toward 'normal' .
There will be a break from music classes this Thursday and classes resume as 'normal' on February 26.
After that, you may expect to be swarmed by suitors, but that is 'normal' for a young duchess as you will be.
A photograph compares a 'normal' person's lungs with that of a smoker.
Once the new computer system is available Hounslow will process and pay the claim as 'normal' from the date that it was initially due to be paid.
Donating blood sixty times over a period spanning 25 years might be 'normal' for a professional donor.
The calibration problem is particularly acute in the z-axis ( 'normal' to the surface).
But this year the festive season will be far from 'normal' for the tot as it is the first time she will be able to thank her parents for their presents.
But I think it's more 'normal' for my team to have no success than it is to win two consecutive European Cups.
He's just a 'normal' person that probably has a few mental issues he needs to deal with.
Everything is now back to 'normal' and the game continues every Wednesday night.
Each episode deals with the truly absurd ways in which seemingly 'normal' people interact with one another.
It is perfectly 'normal' for your child to develop either a wet or dry cough because most colds are accompanied by a cough.
In the early nineteenth century it was quite 'normal' for someone who held a powerful public office to use it to promote the interests of his family and friends.
Therefore, 1L of 'normal' saline should be given per hour to start.
Under 'normal' circumstances you would expect the latter to have a much lower price tag.
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