English to Tamil Dictionary paranoid


Paranoids have a fatal tendency to look for the enemy in the wrong place.
a person who is paranoid.
paranoid schizophrenia
of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.
The appellant suffers from 'paranoid' schizophrenia which is a mental illness within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983.
Their 'paranoid' delusions often disappeared, and their ability to relate to other people improved.
I'm not a naturally suspicious or 'paranoid' person.
Mr Murray told magistrates that Porter was suffering from an untreatable 'paranoid' personality disorder.
It may look a bit 'paranoid' , but the lock might be broken and your room would be vulnerable to any nosy intruder who would try the door knob.
Feeling someone's eyes on me, I looked around the cafeteria, feeling a little 'paranoid' .
But the real danger for these three men is each other as they become greedy, suspicious and 'paranoid' .
The long-term projection for people with 'paranoid' personality disorder is bleak.
Attacks may be induced by starvation and accompanied by 'paranoid' psychosis.
I was a little 'paranoid' about riding in a stranger's car and all, but it was an emergency after all.
Gemma, naturally 'paranoid' , was suspicious of the stairs and suspected that they were much shorter than they had seemed.
The court heard that three psychiatrists had all diagnosed him as suffering from 'paranoid' schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations.
Falford would forever be at least mildly 'paranoid' and mistrustful of the world.
Was The X-Files series so popular because it was so good or because people have become more 'paranoid' ?
If he sounds a bit 'paranoid' about the social status of art and artists, one can more or less understand.
Where did he get such an obsessive, 'paranoid' personality from?
I get a little 'paranoid' about where these spammers get my e-mail address from
We should not forget that Bulgarian people are quite 'paranoid' of being investigated or that information could be collected on them.
One of the main problems with this drug is that it can make the user anxious and 'paranoid' dependant on their mood and their surroundings.
I may be a bit 'paranoid' , but I'm pretty sure the traffic helicopter was following me in to work today.
His nurse told him years ago that he was showing symptoms of 'paranoid' schizophrenia.
So like most people confronted with 'paranoid' delusions, they react inappropriately: with my gran, they tend to laugh and make a joke of it.
Then again his sanity was a big question mark so what really happened to him probably isn't that sinister as a 'paranoid' would have you believe.
Sometimes it's tough being shy and I feel a bit 'paranoid' .
However, her parental role has diminished with her increasing flights into 'paranoid' delusions.
Shortly after he finished his first album, he was diagnosed with chronic 'paranoid' schizophrenia.
Days pass by with no messages from Rachel; soon he starts to become a little 'paranoid' , convinced that she's having an affair behind his back.
He has a history of mental health problems including 'paranoid' delusions as well as a history of alcohol and drugs misuse.
Now, if you had just heard a ghost talk, something they're not supposed to be able to do, wouldn't you be just a bit 'paranoid' ?
Sometimes he wondered if years of isolation made her 'paranoid' of burglars, even when she was expecting her own son to visit.
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