English to Telugu Dictionary differentiable


The city holds a distinct aura as differentiable as its language, which is a mixture of many nearby languages.
able to be differentiated.
They do not see most gays as having an economic life at all, much less an economic life that is 'differentiable' from that of most heterosexuals.
The city holds a distinct aura as 'differentiable' as its language, which is a mixture of many nearby languages.
This transgenerational guidance is one of the reasons that suitable reservoirs are 'differentiable' from another type of ‘magical’ thing used by the child at an earlier age: the transitional object.
Firstly, the man getting married should be 'differentiable' from the groomsmen, as the latter should be wearing different styles.
Each source generates content descriptors for each 'differentiable' topic in a tree structured hierarchy, and obtains a multicast address and a content mask for the broadest content descriptor it is capable of distributing.
This is not to say that there are not 'differentiable' affective constructs.
In this paper he constructed a function which is analytic on the unit disk, is infinitely 'differentiable' on the closed disk, but has no analytic continuation outside the disk.
It is also remarkable that he gave a function which is nowhere 'differentiable' yet everywhere continuous.
We may ask that the function be 'differentiable' on one-dimensional subspaces; here one is led to the theory of the Gâteaux differential.
Since most functions defined by simple algebraic expressions are 'differentiable' , on a sufficiently fine scale the points will appear to fall on a straight line.
So we lack an adequate understanding of the ‘lesbian market’; or their 'differentiable' consumer behavior.
Gangsta rap is 'differentiable' from other rap music in that gangsta rap makes use of images of urban life that are often associated with crime.
In that the transition function is smooth and continuously 'differentiable' , standard nonlinear estimation techniques are also applicable.
This requires it to be a 'differentiable' space in which certain geometrical objects obey the covariant field equations of general relativity, and in which physical objects obey the equations of motion of the theory.
It was predicted that altruists and non-altruists would still be 'differentiable' to perceivers with respect to helpfulness.
And songs are more clearly 'differentiable' , making their market more efficient.
We assume, like we did in the previous model, that the fitness functions are 'differentiable' at the fixation points.
Thus, the characteristics of isotropic spreading are easily 'differentiable' from those associated with anisotropic spreading both by edge dynamics and the overall characteristics of the cell.
In contrast to many earlier applications of transition functions, the present analysis uses a functional representation of the transition that is smooth, continuous, and 'differentiable' in both directions.
Conventional economic theory follows a mathematical paradigm pioneered by classical physics, embodying smooth, 'differentiable' functions, and dominant equilibria.
However, continuity does not imply 'differentiability' .
Because of the demands of 'differentiability' in distribution theory, the spaces of test-functions and their duals are somewhat more complicated.
Most efficiently, some mathematical properties about transitions between time points, such as continuity or 'differentiability' along time, can be used to constrain the behavior of the variables.
For example, the important distinctions between continuity and 'differentiability' and between uniform and pointwise continuity seem to have no basis in intuition.
His work on functions of a real variable include results on functional series, 'differentiability' of functions and Baire's classification.
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