English to Telugu Dictionary revival


a revival in the fortunes of the party
an improvement in the condition or strength of something.
Using rubber band tracks, which are currently enjoying a worldwide 'revival' of popularity, would reduce the vulnerability of wheeled vehicles.
The religious 'revival' in modern Islam is a reflection of the pace of social and technological change in the Muslim world, particularly the disruptive effects of a rapid increase in urbanization.
David Corballis's production was a sterling 'revival' of a classic comedy.
She dispatched a naval task-force to the islands amidst a 'revival' of popular jingoism, and refused to allow mediation efforts to stand between her and a complete military victory.
We had emerged from a very difficult drought and from a world recession in '83, thanks to the breaking of the drought here and the 'revival' of fortune in the rural industries.
Still, Schweitzer must answer the question of why the war did not lead, as many believed it would, to a religious 'revival' .
cryogenic 'revival' patients
Having lived through it once I am dismayed to see it again; this has to be the fifth 70s 'revival' I've endured.
The post-Soviet era has witnessed a 'revival' of religious practice and the introduction of a large number of new religious movements.
a 'revival' in the fortunes of the party
Even today, you still spend three days brain-dead before 'revival' .
When ENB brought its new 'revival' of this production to the Coliseum, it laudably gave this most demanding role to the young Brazilian first soloist, Fernanda Oliveira.
On ‘Blues for the Lowlands’ Terry and McGhee show why they became so popular during the folk 'revival' of the 50s.
The variety has always seemed to have its origins in Bordeaux, where it has been enjoying a 'revival' in popularity.
There is also a religious 'revival' in France generally: it is a misnomer to think of the 19th Century as a secular age.
Whether they will take a new production or a 'revival' to Lithuania is still undecided, but this, says Hill, is the advantage of an ensemble.
The street, lined with retro wrought-iron lamp posts and redwood benches that speak of an earlier effort at 'revival' , is utterly quiet.
The garage rock 'revival' has gotten so much press the last year that critics have had to invent the term New Garage to keep track of bands like The Strokes and Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
they both played in a major 'revival' of The School for Scandal
In contrast with the other southern cities in revolt, Toulon saw a 'revival' of religious activity under municipal auspices.
He was a wood engraver - a skilled contributor to the early 20th-century 'revival' of this printmaking technique.
This combined in the autumn of 1981 with a 'revival' in the fortunes of the Deutschmark.
The International Coffee Organization provided funds to Angola for the 'revival' of its coffee production after a long civil war decimated production.
a 'revival' in the fortunes of the party
During the postwar folk music 'revival' , rural musicians faced a similar mixture of adulation and condescension.
America's environmental 'revival' is a rich and complicated story with many specific exceptions, caveats and, of course, setbacks.
an economic 'revival'
the thunder and lightning affected his 'revival' in the third round
Instead of a romantic 'revival' , they produce a parody of the original drama.
The great strength of the 'revival' of the movement, and of the left within the movement, has been the desire for unity.
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