English to Gujarati Dictionary accurate


accurate information about the illness is essential
(of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.
reliable, accurate rifles
(with reference to a weapon, missile, or shot) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target.
translation of 'accurate'
The addition of Global Positioning System equipment makes the weapons even more 'accurate' .
One of the main problems they face is getting detailed and 'accurate' information from potential companies.
I would have expected that Crikey strongly supports the rapid provision of 'accurate' information to correct errors.
To solve this problem, a combination of detailed structural information and 'accurate' , time-resolved measurements are required.
Since then the US military has claimed its weapons are more 'accurate' and its targets more carefully selected.
GPS receivers fitted to munitions transform u2018dumb bombsu2019 into 'accurate' , all-weather weapons.
There is a more 'accurate' method, but it's high-tech.
As shown in these tables, precise and 'accurate' measurement of hair can be made.
She also explained how coronary angiography is the most 'accurate' method of evaluating and determining the type of surgery a patient needs.
Principal Dr David Watkins said students did very well in the college's vocational courses and he criticised the league tables for not giving an 'accurate' representation of their achievements.
Greene and his associates have devised a more 'accurate' method for calculating graduation rates.
The weapon is very 'accurate' at close range and you can go through a whole clip of 30 with very little recoil, ensuring that you don't lose sight of your target.
It's been described as an epidemic, and I think that's an 'accurate' representation, at this point.
An ongoing two-year preliminary survey of more than 80 women has finely tuned the new equipment to ensure the most 'accurate' measurement can be carried out.
He doesn't believe the film to be an 'accurate' representation of his life, but since when did major motion pictures deal in the naked truth?
The service pistol is a close personal defense weapon and is deadly 'accurate' .
These techniques provide a more 'accurate' method of assessing energy expenditure patterns.
Who on earth figured they could get an 'accurate' representation of my social studies knowledge by handing me a vague question and giving me an hour and a half to come up with something brilliant?
Maybe these were 'accurate' representations or interpretations of the original article, or maybe not.
I don't know if this is an 'accurate' visual representation of Gaby, but I'm looking at the picture representing the father here.
Sophisticated and 'accurate' methods of analysing respiratory gases were developed in the twentieth century, and the mechanisms of external respiration are now well defined.
Adding to the problems of making 'accurate' measurements is the fact that cold or warm weather patterns can run in cycles, anywhere from a week to even a season.
I thought it was an 'accurate' representation of the Gospels.
You might want to take a closer look, because that photo might not be an 'accurate' representation of what you'll get when you check in.
Mick Nevin and Pat Dowling executed a slick and 'accurate' interchange of passes that created the space for Paul Dermody to advance and secure a 68th minute lead for Villa.
The oldest and least 'accurate' method is dowsing.
At best they distill public information into the most 'accurate' predictions possible.
The effort to achieve more 'accurate' weapons began in World War I and approached modern capabilities with PGMs toward the end of the Vietnam War.
u2018From measurements on the map and 'accurate' measurements on the ground there is something wrong in that area,u2019 he said.
It was a lifeline of 'accurate' news and information for millions.
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