English to Gujarati Dictionary batch


Here's a mechanism for batching them into a locked-and-loaded tool for firing them into the world.
arrange (things) in sets or groups.
a batch of cookies
a quantity or consignment of goods produced at one time.
translation of 'batch'
The thing about baking is that you are the arbiter of how much butter and sugar go into your recipe and if you decide to reduce your intake of butter then perhaps you will bake a 'batch' of scones instead of a tray of shortbread.
It includes a number of advanced features like creating encrypted backups or 'batch' mode processing.
a 'batch' of loyalists and sceptics
At some stage in the next few weeks I'd better buy a 'batch' of cards and start working my way through the address book and getting them into the post, with the overseas people first in the queue.
A supermarket yesterday withdrew a 'batch' of own-brand peanut butter after a jar was found to contain cancer-causing chemicals.
Red faced Commonwealth Games bosses have had to scrap a 'batch' of badges celebrating Welsh participation in the event - because of a spelling mistake.
I had nothing to do but 'batch' the reports
A 'batch' of cold weather coming in through Canada.
It takes four weeks to produce a 'batch' of compost.
Jess felt her stomach producing a 'batch' of butterflies, her u2018crushu2019, her love, was going to kiss her.
The dealer deals five cards to each player - a batch of three each followed by a 'batch' of two each, or two each followed by three each.
a 'batch' of cookies
Need a perfect way to present a 'batch' of homemade goodies?
Before him were a 'batch' of newspapers bearing his image and a flier informing Belgian police that his group was u2018watchingu2019 them.
Once a 'batch' of products has been cooked and the working shift completed, any residual cooking oil or other cooking matter should be drained off and the bratt pan switched off by the operator.
She took a big 'batch' of leaves and dug them into one of her dirty pockets.
I produced a 'batch' of my personal pancake recipe, then moved on to making a fruit sauce that could be used instead of an unhealthy, unnatural maple syrup.
Solid sound and smooth production are no surprises coming from a 'batch' of accomplished musicians who leave nothing to chance.
the company undertakes thirty-six separate quality control checks on every 'batch'
Those six rounds came from a 'batch' of 200 loaded recently on a progressive press.
That's why it takes me two or three years to write a 'batch' of songs good enough to put out.
Think of a screen as a formula or recipe of ingredients used to guide computer software to select a 'batch' of good stock picks.
Once they had done their stuff I had a sudden urge to whip up a 'batch' of almond macaroons using this Marunchinos (Sephardi almond macaroons) recipe.
It's always unpleasant when individuals who've worked on a second or third-rate film collect a 'batch' of awards.
'batch' production
In contrast, a 'batch' of discs can take two to four weeks to replicate.
I can only assume that somewhere, an e-mail server crashed and the poor techies only recently found a 'batch' of messages on a hard disk, like a lost postcard from 1943 behind a radiator.
a 'batch' of bread
Eventually a 'batch' of forms was produced from the back of a press and one was duly handed over.
The 'batch' now on the production line will be light blue pencils.
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