Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Telugu lesson 68

can you tell me the difference between do and can

April 11, 2017
Do.. is used to ask about regular actions. Can.. Is used to ask to know ability, willing and permission. Do you go to temple on Sundays? Do you wake up early? Hence.. Can you lift this box? Can you send me the address? Can I sit here? .. In the statements all the above purposes expressed in the same way.
6 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 12, 2017
I don't know
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 16, 2017
can you tell me the difference between do and can
Do.. is used to ask about regular actions. Can.. Is used to ask to know ability, willing and permission. Do you go to temple on Sundays? Do you wake up early? Hence.. Can you lift this box? Can you send me the address? Can I sit here? .. In the statements all the above purposes expressed in the same way.

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